Sunday, September 28, 2008

Canvassing in Piscataway, pt. 1

I feel energized and encouraged after canvassing for Obama today.  I spoke to about 50+ people, all of whom are voting for Obama.  Among the highlight conversations:

~the man who told me that he brought his sons to register to vote and was bringing them to the polls for their first election too
~the woman who said that she has been canvassing on her own, talking to neighbours, co-workers, and everyone who "needs convincing" to vote for the right man
~the woman who asked how she could start volunteering too
~the young woman who said, "I made my boyfriend register and I told him I'd dump him if he didn't vote for Obama."
~the woman who asked me, "Who ELSE would I be voting for?"

There was not one McCain supporter that I could find in the neighbourhood I went to.  But better than that was the passion that these people had for supporting Barack.  Their enthusiasm was infectious and I was happy to know that they were voting, talking to friends and family to get them to vote too, and were confident that Obama would win the election without question. 

There were only 2 people I met who were on the fence and I think I convinced them to vote for Obama after we had a chance to talk about their concerns.  This is really why the door-to-door approach is so important.  We need to get out there and talk to people individually.  It is the best way to address their concerns, ease their fears, and answer their questions to help them make informed decisions.  

This was a wonderful experience and I look forward to doing more canvassing and talking to more voters in the upcoming weeks and getting Obama elected.  

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