Thursday, September 4, 2008

Everything Old is the Same Old Shit

John McCain leaves so much to be desired in a candidate it's difficult to choose what to criticize first.  But I'll try.

His acceptance speech tonight showed the energy of the 2000 McCain.  He was passionate and spoke with conviction.  Unfortunately he is passionate and has conviction for the same old shit we've been hearing for years.  He outlined all the problems that we have in our country, from healthcare to reliance on foreign oil to failing schools and partisan politics.  Can't argue there.  Those are some huge problems.  What he failed to mention is WHY our country is in the mess we are in.  It was his party that exacerbated so many of these problems over the past eight years.  Worse is that his promises to create "change" are the same promises we heard from George Bush in 2000 and 2004.  Again, it is just the same talking points from the Republicans.  Why are people falling for this?  What has to happen to make people realize that McCain, Bush, and their kind have no idea about how Americans are suffering and have no intention of fixing any of the problems we are having as a nation?

A vote for McCain does not make you a rebel or free-thinker.  It does not mean lower taxes for you, unless you are already a millionaire.  It does not mean a cleaner environment or new energy sources.  It does not improve your kids schools, your sense of safety, or your pride in calling yourself an American.  A vote for McCain means that you accept the nation as it is and are happy with it.  But if you are in any way dissatisfied, feel disenfranchised, or are wondering what happened to your nation, your choice is clear.   

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