Monday, September 1, 2008

Why I Am Ready to Renounce My Citizenship if Barack Obama is NOT Elected President

Like so many Americans, I am disgusted by what has happened to my country in the past eight years.  After shanghaiing our government, the Bush administration has managed to decimate the economy, falsely lead our troops into a war, neglect and endanger American citizens, and damage our country's image throughout the world.  And all that in such a short period of time.  The only praise I can give this administration is on how quickly they have managed the bring the United States to its knees.  

For the first time in my life I can honestly say that I am ashamed of my government.  This government DOES NOT represent me or my values.  And it is my great hope that the people in other nations can look past what the Bush administration does and know that it is operating independently of logic and of the desire of most Americans, hence the 75% disapproval rating.

However, as a closet optimist, I have hope.  My hope lies with the American people.  They must be seeing what I'm seeing.  They must know that we can not continue on the path we are on.  Because of this, I am voting for Barack Obama and am encouraging others to do the same.  Anyone who is ready to take on the mess that our nation is in and has the ideas and desire to get the job done is someone to be reckoned with.  He is, very simply, the right person at the right time for this difficult undertaking.

There are only 2 possibilities that I can see that will prevent Obama from being elected: 
1)  The election process in our country is so corrupt that the Republican Party can steal 3 elections in a row, or
2)  There is still so much racism in our country that there is no way for a decent human being to be elected because people are still hung-up on the color of his skin.

As I said, I am a closet optimist and, therefore, am convinced that Obama will decisively win and the United States will be better off for it.  However, if he doesn't, I am ready to renounce my citizenship.  I can't stay in a nation that is completely corrupt, completely racist, or both.  I don't want to raise my children in a nation that has lost its ideals and can't live up to its promises.  

So, for now, I am hopeful.  I think that Americans can see how their lives have been negatively effected for too long and that it's time for a change in the direction of our nation's politics.  If I am wrong and Obama loses, then it is a bust for this country and I refuse to stick around and watch the inevitable decline.  I doubt I will be the only one ready to leave.   


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